Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cyber Bullying is a Big No No - 717 Words

As technology grown over the years, it became easier to stay connected to friends and family around the world. Not only connected to personal friends and family but also strangers from your area or around the world and form friendships worldwide. It all well and good but sometimes the world of the internet hits you back in the face. In the world of the internet, there are people who will say anything to upset youths to the point of the victims hurting or killing themselves. Mostly on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are playing grounds for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been a growing problem over the year in Central Florida especially in high schools and the only way it could be resolve is to bring the awareness to the youths in high school. For this research report, I have been looking in to the issue of Cyberbullying in high school level. What is cyberbullying and why is it a growing problem? Cyberbullying has been a growing problem seeing that technology has grown more advances and popular among people mostly youths still in grade schools. Not as physical as traditional bullying but it grows to the point where cyberbullying is far worst seeing that it could happen anytime, anywhere instead of just in school. It means that even at home, people still fall into victim of cyberbullies. Even though it silly to take what people say on the internet seriously, it does put harm youths who take them hard and they will fall victim to the point of harming themselvesShow MoreRelatedTeens as Victims of Cyberbullying1482 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Around half of teens have been the victims of cyber bullies,† Richard Webster from the â€Å"Cyber bullying is when a person or a group is trying to embarrass and harm or intimi date those who are weaker than them†. â€Å"Cyber bullying to texting: What’s on your kids ‘Cell?† What is cyber bullying? The Stop bullying Organization explains what the meaning of cyber bullying is. Cyber bullies are able to use cells phones and the internet to make it very easy bully other people. Lawmakers and Schools shouldRead MoreCyber Bullying Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesThe second option is to give in and let the bully start bullying you. The people who gets bullied are always weak in some way whether it is the fact that they have low self-esteem or they just cannot stand up for themselves. There needs to be an update to all of the major social networking sites that has some kind of link that you can click on to report people that is bullying people over the internet. Then, there would be less cyber bullying and all of the people who are affected by it would beRead MoreCyberbullying Vs. Face Of Bullying Essay737 Words   |  3 Pagesvs. Fa ce-to-Face Bullying Cyberbullying is as bad as and in most cases worse than the traditional face-to-face bullying. Cyberbullying has become a big issue all around the world and is the new form of bullying, traditional bullying is more rare now that people are aware of it.The emotional difference between the two types of bullying has more of a long lasting impact than the physical issues of traditional bullying. Cyberbullying is considered worse than traditional bullying for many reasonsRead MoreCyber Bullying1455 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Bullying Issues 1 Bullying Issues: Cyber bullying vs. Traditional Bulllying Horache Allen Compostion1 Jan 29, 2013 Bullying Issues 2 Bullying Issues: Cyber Bullying vs. Traditional Bullying Are you a victim of cyber bullying? Or were you theRead MoreCyber Bullying. Today, This Is The Most Popular Topic Amongst1233 Words   |  5 PagesCyber Bullying Today, this is the most popular topic amongst the younger generation. The rise of technology has influenced our lives with the use of social networking sites and electronic devices predominant with today’s youth. What many adults are unaware of is bullying exists in many forms and is more common in the cyber world. In 2012, CBC news reporter Joan Leishman, aired â€Å"Cyber-bullying,† where she relates a story about a student named David Knight’s unbearable life entering the internet. LaterRead MoreHelp To Prevent Cyber Bullying Essay577 Words   |  3 PagesCyberbullying One in three kids has been bullied by someone on the internet. Cyber bullying is posting something mean or rude on an electronic device to hurt a person. It’s the same thing as regular bullying except it’s not physical. Much of cyber bullying is done anonymously but there is the occasional few who show themselves. Many people find the internet and electronics as a beautiful thing that has helped our world achieve so many things and it is true, it has helped with a lot of things. ButRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society883 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bullying is the use of electronic communications to bully a person. Cyber-bullying takes place by using the Internet, cell phones, video game systems, and other technology. Cyber-bully sends or posts text or image that is intended to hurt feelings or embarrass another person in front of others. Bullying is an aggressive behavior which causes harm and stress to its victims and it escalates over time. Furthermore, everybody has mobile phones and they are using it all day long. There is certainlyRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1201 Words   |  5 PagesINTRO Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that takes place over the internet, whether via texts, twitter or other forms of social media. Approximately 52% of children have reported being cyber bullied at one point, or another*. While this number may not seem catastrophic, this statistic is based only on the instances of cyber bullying that have been reported. The reality is that there are many more children who have been cyber bullied, and did not tell anyone that it was happening to them. AnotherRead MoreBullying Is A Huge Problem Our World Faces Today1389 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature 12 May 2015 Bullying While some people may not admit it, bullying is a huge problem our world faces today. A U.S. study from the beginning of the 21st century displayed that about 30% of middle schoolers and high schoolers were affected by some kind of bullying. While that might seem like a small percentage, that 30% totals about 5.7 million students. Now that number seems bigger. There are many different types of bullying, such as cyber bullying, which is bullying over the internet andRead MoreCyber Bullying : Should The United States Crack Down And Enforce Cyber Cyberbullying?1670 Words   |  7 PagesCyber bullying is an on-going issue that is terrorizing kids in almost every school district in the United States. Most of the states are trying to enforce it with a couple laws and restrictions but it won’t be that easy to get rid of something as big as cyber bullying has become. Should the United States crack down and enforce cyber bullying more? This issue has caused suicide and many other men tal and physical problems with teens and even kids throughout the United States. People who are

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