Wednesday, September 2, 2020

scarlet letter :: essays research papers

The writer of this novel, Nathaniel Hawthorne, is generally known for his remarkable and expressive composing style. In The Scarlet Letter, he depicts his objection to the main character’s ethics plainly. For instance, before Hester Prynne rises up out of the cold and dim jail, she is hated by a gathering of ladies who trust in a harsher discipline for Hester. Which means, rather than being made to remain on the framework bearing the red letter on her chest, they recommend that she â€Å"she ought to be killed or have it marked into her skin, accurately on her forehead.† Since early occasions, Puritans have gained notoriety for solid order, their strict convictions, and unforgiving discipline for those resisting their convictions. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a novel that depicts the Puritans as cold and pitiless.      The Puritan’s emotions were so missing of empathy that â€Å" they were sufficiently harsh to view her death†¦without a murmur†¦but had none of the wantonness of another social state.† This statement delineates that when the general population is confronted with a passing of a heathen, they would completely have no response what so ever. These concerns and concerns are centered around a section in part one in which Hester is being annoyed by a cruel gathering of ladies. The one lady, maybe the ugliest of all, goes excessively far in pushing the passing of Hester because of desire      Nathaniel’s tone uncovers how he feels towards the Puritan culture. He starts right off the bat in the novel by depicting the Puritans as â€Å"being of the most narrow minded brood,† expressing the absence of understanding they had toward each other. Getting some answers concerning Hester and her lovely infant Pearl, the town on the double with no word from Hester filled their hearts with disdain towards the two. â€Å"Meager, to be sure, and cold was the sympathy† that the Puritans offered against Hester in her helpless minutes overtop the platform. Once more, Hawthorne’s selection of words demonstrates his unforgiving tone towards Puritanism.  â â â â      Nathaniel Hawthorne shows again that the Puritan culture as cold and barbarous in his portrayals of Roger Chillingworth and his response to connections. As he continued looking for retribution, Chillingworth reacts to his infidelity inclined spouse by relinquishing his life so as to make sense of her mystery sweetheart. He utilized be a researcher however now is veiled as a specialist who set forth his greatest years, â€Å"to feed the ravenous dream of knowledge,† yet now he is out for something different, retribution on the limited who had intercourse to his better half.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Elijah Muhammad essays

Elijah Muhammad papers The explanation I decided to inquire about the life of Elijah Muhammad is on the grounds that my father had done research on Malcolm X for a class in school, and I needed to get some answers concerning his educator. I have found, during the time spent this of this examination, some alarming data that I certainly had not anticipated. As you read this report, I trust you understand. Elijah Poole was conceived in Sandersburg, Georgia on Oct. 7, 1897, to William and Mariah Poole, who had 12 other kids. His folks were previous slaves, and he needed to stop school after third grade so as to win enough cash as a tenant farmer to help bolster his family. Not long before the 1920s he wedded Clara Evans, with whom he fathered eight youngsters. In 1923 he moved his family from Macon, Georgia, to Detroit, Michigan. In 1930, Poole met Fard Muhammad, who accepted that it was the ideal opportunity for the blacks to come back to Islam, as far as anyone knows the religion of their precursors. He got gave to the religion, and, in 1934, was given the title Incomparable Minister.1 In 1942, he was imprisoned for dodging the draft. The draft required all guys between the ages of 18 and 44 to join, and he won't, on claims that he was 45 and that his religion preclude it. Muhammad was discharged toward the finish of the war, and found a similarity of himself in Malcolm X, one of the youthful new Muslims who had joined the Nation of Islam after the war. During the 1950s Muhammad asserted X as his best pupil. At that point, in 1964, X was killed, and Muhammad blamed the American government for being behind it. In 1975, Elijah His proper training finished in 1906 when he was 9 years of age. He had to stop school since his family required more help. Nonetheless, this didn't prevent him from distributing a few papers wherein he attempted to convince blacks to change over to the way ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Discussion topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Conversation subject - Assignment Example For instance, z-test can be utilized in an exploration study that includes correlation diabetes predominance among male and female youths in a specific city; this is on the grounds that the populace will be extremely enormous. A t-test is a speculation in measurements whereby the test insights follows a t-conveyance and the invalid theory is harmonious. Fundamentally, the t-test can be expected to build up whether two example sets of information is essentially unique in relation to each other, and it is generally applied where the measurements being tried would have an ordinary bend appropriation and the scaling term notable. The t-test looks at the t-insights just as the degree of opportunity to set up a p-esteem, which can be used to decide whether there is a distinction in the populace implies (Senn, 2008). The measurable essentialness in t-test demonstrates whether there is a contrast between two examined gathering and the mean for the most part mirrors the genuine distinction in the examination populace from which they were inspected. t-test can beâ utilisedâ to establishâ â if the slant of relapse line has huge contrast from zero and to test invalid speculation when the distinction between two answers have a mean estimation of 0 when estimated on comparable factual unit. For instance assume, we are evaluating the size of the prostate organ with malignant growth earlier and post radiation. In the event that the radiation was powerful, at that point the tumor should diminish in size for a few patients post treatment. This is regularly named as combined

Friday, June 5, 2020

Disorienting Neuropsychological Condition - AiWS - Free Essay Example

Alice in Wonderland syndrome or AiWS is a disorienting neuropsychological condition that affects perception. A English psychiatrist named John Todd named this condition in 1955 after the main character, Alice. In the book, she sees the world shift again and again as she falls down a rabbit hole. As the story continues, she finds a bottle marked drink me and when she drank it, Alice turned small enough to fit in a tiny dorr. Then she finds a cake marked eat me and when she ate it, Alice became big enough to reach a key on a tall table. Alice in Wonderland syndrome can affect your perception in different ways. Some symptoms are that your body may look bigger, smaller, closer, or farther that what it really is. Straight lines may look wavy and things may change colors or tilt to the side. Faces can appear distorted and colors may look extra bright. Three dimensional figures may look flat and your sense of time may be distorted, making it seem that it is going too fast or too slow. Noted symptoms of AiWs also include false orientation of objects in space, one object appearing as two or more, inverted vision, impaired sense of time, and feeling detached with personality changes. The cause of the syndrome is however, unknown to both scientist and doctors. When a patient who had AiWs was tested, he turned up negative for all of the tests such as the Epstein-Barr virus-virus serological testing. Many agree that several causes could be a migraine, epilepsy, infections, strokes, or depression. The reason that doctors have struggled over what the cause could be is because getting the syndrome is extremely rare and is usually grown out. In fact, a doctor was surprised when she learned that a whole family had experience with the said Dr.Aurora was fascinated to learn of so many people in one family being affected; the condition is considered so rare that here have been few studies of it This shows how rare the disease is to obtain. Another reason would be that in order to study the condition at work, youd have to scan the brain of someone while they are having an episode. This is an example of a doctor scanning the brain of someone while they are having an episode: Dr.Sheena Aurora, a Stanford neurologist and migraine specialist, was the first to scan the brain of someone a 12 year old girl in the middle of an episode. In addition, the syndrome only affects people under the age of 18 and there are few cases in which it can happen to older adults. Even though there has been few documentations of the syndromes in the works, we do learn much from Dr.Auroras research. We find that when a person who has AiWs focuses on one thing, such as a ticking clock, it can trigger the AiWs. For example, when Dr.Aurora was testing Ana, a 12 year old girl from Seattle, they were attempting to capture an actual picture of the syndrome. They were able to trigger the auras whenever Ana concentrated hard on a printed page. She says Sometimes when Im really focusing on a piano piece, the notes will just zoom, zoom up, so theyre just really big, like as if you were using a camera and you zoomed up on someone. So the researcher team decided to used a checkerboard pattern that would allow the brain to trigger Anas aura. It worked and the research team was able to see what was happening in the brain. What occurred was that two areas of the brain lit up and a burst of electrical activity caused abnormal blood to flow in the area vision and the part of th e brain that affects size, shape, and texture. This blood could be different than normal blood, which could be why the brain reacts differently to the same object, like a piece of paper. What we learn from this is that certain things trigger the syndrome with each person. Now as for treatment options for the syndrome, there isnt many things that you can do to treat yourself. If you or a person you know is experiencing this condition, the best thing to do is rest and wait for the episode to pass. Also, reassuring those who have the symptom that the syndrome isnt harmful can be of great benefit as well. Being that migraines is one of the main sources for AiWs, consulting your doctor for the best medication would also be a good option. Using the medication does have a chance at preventing future episodes. If you think stress is the cause, meditation and relaxation may help with the symptoms. Also, be reminded that you will usually grow out of this as you grow into a adult. This is the passage in which Alice grows and shrinks: There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the table, half hoping she might find another key on it, or at any rate a book of rules for shutting people up like telescopes: this time she found a little bottle on it, (which certainly was not here before, said Alice), and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words DRINK ME beautifully printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say Drink me, but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. No, Ill look first, she said, and see whether its marked poison or not; for she had read several nice little stories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts, and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that, if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife , it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked poison, it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.However, this bottle was not marked poison, so Alice ventured to taste it, and, finding it very nice (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffy, and hot buttered toast), she very soon finished it off.What a curious feeling! said Alice. I must be shutting up like a telescope! And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high(Carroll, 1) Here the story is saying that Alice was trying to get to the garden but could not, because the door that lead to it was too small. This is when she finds a bottle marked Drink me and when she drank the bottle, she became ten inches tall. The new height size allowed for he to enter the garden through the small door. This is related to the syndrome because one of the side effects is that you may appear small compared to other objects, such as a chair. This is the passage in which Alice begins speaking to animals as she is swimming: Would it be of any use, now, thought Alice, to speak to this mouse? Everything is so out-of-the-way down here, that I should think very likely it can talk: at any rate, theres no harm in trying. So she began: O Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming about here, O Mouse! (Alice thought this must be the right way of speaking to a mouse: she had never done such a thing before, but she remembered having seen in her brothers Latin Grammar, A mouse of a mouse to a mouse a mouse O mouse! The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively, and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing. Perhaps it doesnt understand English, thought Alice; I daresay its a French mouse, come over with William the Conqueror. (For, with all her knowledge of history, Alice had no very clear notion how long ago anything had happened.) So she began again: Ou est ma chatte? wh ich was the first sentence in her French lesson-book. The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright. Oh, I beg your pardon! cried Alice hastily, afraid that she had hurt the poor animals feelings. I quite forgot you didnt like cats. Not like cats! cried the Mouse, in a shrill, passionate voice. Would you like cats if you were me?'(Carroll, 2) Here, as she is swimming in her tears after becoming two inches tall, she encounters a mouse. Alice was confused and lost, and since she was already having a crazy day, she thought anything could happen at that time period. This would be a reference to the syndrome because at that state, anything could happen. When a person is having an episode, they could think anything is possible because of all the unusual things that were happening. So Alice tries making contact with the mouse by asking for its help. The mouse didnt reply and only winked. However when Alice said Ou est ma chatte? or in english, where is my cat, the mouse became frightened and started speaking. In conclusion, AiWs or Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a syndrome that can affect a persons perception of reality. Some of the side effects are distortion, color change, and your body may be bigger, smaller, farther, or closer than it really is. However, there is nothing to fear since the syndrome cannot harm you in any way and it usually passes around adulthood. Several ways to treat it are medication for migraines, meditation and relaxation.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cyber Bullying is a Big No No - 717 Words

As technology grown over the years, it became easier to stay connected to friends and family around the world. Not only connected to personal friends and family but also strangers from your area or around the world and form friendships worldwide. It all well and good but sometimes the world of the internet hits you back in the face. In the world of the internet, there are people who will say anything to upset youths to the point of the victims hurting or killing themselves. Mostly on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are playing grounds for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been a growing problem over the year in Central Florida especially in high schools and the only way it could be resolve is to bring the awareness to the youths in high school. For this research report, I have been looking in to the issue of Cyberbullying in high school level. What is cyberbullying and why is it a growing problem? Cyberbullying has been a growing problem seeing that technology has grown more advances and popular among people mostly youths still in grade schools. Not as physical as traditional bullying but it grows to the point where cyberbullying is far worst seeing that it could happen anytime, anywhere instead of just in school. It means that even at home, people still fall into victim of cyberbullies. Even though it silly to take what people say on the internet seriously, it does put harm youths who take them hard and they will fall victim to the point of harming themselvesShow MoreRelatedTeens as Victims of Cyberbullying1482 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Around half of teens have been the victims of cyber bullies,† Richard Webster from the â€Å"Cyber bullying is when a person or a group is trying to embarrass and harm or intimi date those who are weaker than them†. â€Å"Cyber bullying to texting: What’s on your kids ‘Cell?† What is cyber bullying? The Stop bullying Organization explains what the meaning of cyber bullying is. Cyber bullies are able to use cells phones and the internet to make it very easy bully other people. Lawmakers and Schools shouldRead MoreCyber Bullying Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesThe second option is to give in and let the bully start bullying you. The people who gets bullied are always weak in some way whether it is the fact that they have low self-esteem or they just cannot stand up for themselves. There needs to be an update to all of the major social networking sites that has some kind of link that you can click on to report people that is bullying people over the internet. Then, there would be less cyber bullying and all of the people who are affected by it would beRead MoreCyberbullying Vs. Face Of Bullying Essay737 Words   |  3 Pagesvs. Fa ce-to-Face Bullying Cyberbullying is as bad as and in most cases worse than the traditional face-to-face bullying. Cyberbullying has become a big issue all around the world and is the new form of bullying, traditional bullying is more rare now that people are aware of it.The emotional difference between the two types of bullying has more of a long lasting impact than the physical issues of traditional bullying. Cyberbullying is considered worse than traditional bullying for many reasonsRead MoreCyber Bullying1455 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Bullying Issues 1 Bullying Issues: Cyber bullying vs. Traditional Bulllying Horache Allen Compostion1 Jan 29, 2013 Bullying Issues 2 Bullying Issues: Cyber Bullying vs. Traditional Bullying Are you a victim of cyber bullying? Or were you theRead MoreCyber Bullying. Today, This Is The Most Popular Topic Amongst1233 Words   |  5 PagesCyber Bullying Today, this is the most popular topic amongst the younger generation. The rise of technology has influenced our lives with the use of social networking sites and electronic devices predominant with today’s youth. What many adults are unaware of is bullying exists in many forms and is more common in the cyber world. In 2012, CBC news reporter Joan Leishman, aired â€Å"Cyber-bullying,† where she relates a story about a student named David Knight’s unbearable life entering the internet. LaterRead MoreHelp To Prevent Cyber Bullying Essay577 Words   |  3 PagesCyberbullying One in three kids has been bullied by someone on the internet. Cyber bullying is posting something mean or rude on an electronic device to hurt a person. It’s the same thing as regular bullying except it’s not physical. Much of cyber bullying is done anonymously but there is the occasional few who show themselves. Many people find the internet and electronics as a beautiful thing that has helped our world achieve so many things and it is true, it has helped with a lot of things. ButRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society883 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bullying is the use of electronic communications to bully a person. Cyber-bullying takes place by using the Internet, cell phones, video game systems, and other technology. Cyber-bully sends or posts text or image that is intended to hurt feelings or embarrass another person in front of others. Bullying is an aggressive behavior which causes harm and stress to its victims and it escalates over time. Furthermore, everybody has mobile phones and they are using it all day long. There is certainlyRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1201 Words   |  5 PagesINTRO Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that takes place over the internet, whether via texts, twitter or other forms of social media. Approximately 52% of children have reported being cyber bullied at one point, or another*. While this number may not seem catastrophic, this statistic is based only on the instances of cyber bullying that have been reported. The reality is that there are many more children who have been cyber bullied, and did not tell anyone that it was happening to them. AnotherRead MoreBullying Is A Huge Problem Our World Faces Today1389 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature 12 May 2015 Bullying While some people may not admit it, bullying is a huge problem our world faces today. A U.S. study from the beginning of the 21st century displayed that about 30% of middle schoolers and high schoolers were affected by some kind of bullying. While that might seem like a small percentage, that 30% totals about 5.7 million students. Now that number seems bigger. There are many different types of bullying, such as cyber bullying, which is bullying over the internet andRead MoreCyber Bullying : Should The United States Crack Down And Enforce Cyber Cyberbullying?1670 Words   |  7 PagesCyber bullying is an on-going issue that is terrorizing kids in almost every school district in the United States. Most of the states are trying to enforce it with a couple laws and restrictions but it won’t be that easy to get rid of something as big as cyber bullying has become. Should the United States crack down and enforce cyber bullying more? This issue has caused suicide and many other men tal and physical problems with teens and even kids throughout the United States. People who are

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

War Is Naturally Violent, And The Iliad Essay - 1606 Words

War is naturally violent, and the Iliad does not hesitate to describe the atrocities committed by men with spears and swords. They kill each other, descriptively, and although individual heroes may get glory or special recognition for prowess in battle, the detailed depictions of death do not glorify the actual acts of warfare. Even the gods and heroes are critical of taking too much pleasure in waging war, though the epic celebrates the men who are good at it. Several of the heroes, like Diomedes and Achilles, single-handedly hold off the enemy and in doing so, seem to rise above the limits of normal men. They even escape the ignobleness of death and are called â€Å"beautiful† after dying. In all, the Iliad acknowledges the realities of war and does not glorify its violent nature, but it does appoint extraordinary honors to the heroes who fight in the war. The Iliad shows the violence of war without obscuring the brutality of the bloodshed, demonstrating a willingness to show the inglorious side of war. The poem dedicates pages to chronicling the various ways men are killed, which includes being slaughtered in sleep and being â€Å"sliced through the neck, leaving only / A ribbon of skin from which the head dangled† (16.358-359). It is likely unsettling for an audience to contemplate a beheading violent enough to leave the head dangling by nothing but a strip of skin, but that is what happened and it appears to be reported without much apparent censorship. Although Homer does notShow MoreRelatedEssay On Simile In The Iliad790 Words   |  4 Pagestrademark of the epic poem. It describes an extended simile, which continues for lines on end, and the extended simile’s vehicle often describes multiple characteristics of its tenor (Cite Sharon Hamilton!). Homer uses the Homeric simile throughout The Iliad to describe the Troj an or Achaean people and/or army as a group. Yet, the Homeric simile also applies to an individual many times throughout the text, specifically, The Iliad’s protagonist: Achilles. Achilles is a complex and dynamic character. DespiteRead MoreThe Beginning Of Humanities Core862 Words   |  4 PagesHumanities Core in fall quarter, my understanding of war was primarily centered around soldiers and how killing others permanently scarred them, often leading to post-traumatic stress disorder. Being a Cognitive Sciences major, I am naturally interested in how extreme situations, such as war, affect people’s psychology. However, my focus drifted in an entirely new direction, towards civilians in wartime (See: Tags), as the year progressed and my view of war became more complex. 539w Meryl Streep in a productionRead MoreMy Final Words On War871 Words   |  4 PagesWords on War At the beginning of Humanities Core in fall quarter, my understanding of war was primarily centered around soldiers and how killing others permanently scarred them, often leading to post-traumatic stress disorder. Being a Cognitive Sciences major, I am naturally interested in how extreme situations such as war affect people’s psychology. However, my focus drifted in an entirely new direction, towards civilians in wartime (See: Tags), as the year progressed and my view of war became moreRead More Honor as the Theme in Homer’s The Iliad Essay2033 Words   |  9 Pagesironically, they were never written and were first composed in Ancient Greek—The Iliad and Odyssey. Both epics are famous for the literariness therein, but more than that is the theme that spins around the two epics—the importance of honor. In The Iliad, this is shown more than ever, and amidst the thousands of deaths, the murder and betrayal, the wrath of the gods and goddesses, the beautiful queen which caused the war, and the mythical and mystical of creatures is the pervading atmosphere and perceptionRead More Use of Color in Cranes The Red Badge of Courage Essay1643 Words   |  7 Pagesanother green world, the green world of youth. Like schoolchildren, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to be fighting in the Civil War. Crane remarks on this later in the narrative: He was aware that these battalions with their commotions were woven red and startling into the gentle fabric of the softened greens and browns. It looked to be a wrong place for a battlefield (69). GreenRead More Achilles Vs Odysseus Essay example3811 Words   |  16 PagesNevertheless, both heroes are defined not by their appearances, nor by the impressions they leave upon the minds of those around them, nor even so much by the words they speak, but almost entirely by their actions. Action is what drives the plot of both the Iliad and the Odyssey, and action is what holds the characters together. In this respect, the theme of humanity is revealed in both Odysseus and Achilles: man is a combination of his will, his actions, and his relationship to the divine. This blend allowsRead Moretheme of alienation n no where man by kamala markandeya23279 Words   |  94 Pagesancient Greece, after Athens and Sparta. Sophocles described it as â€Å"the only city where mortal women are the mothers of gods.† According to Greek legends, the city was founded by Cadmus and was destroyed by the Epigonoi in the time before the Trojan War. In the sixth century B.C., Thebes recovered its glory to some extent, and in Sophocles’ time it was still a powerful state. LIST OF CHARACTERS Major Antigone The daughter of Oedipus, the former King of Thebes. Her mother, Jocasta, was Creon’s

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lord Jim free essay sample

â€Å"The writers, I do believe, who get the best and most lasting response from the readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development. By a happy ending, I do not mean mere fortunate events – a marriage or a last-minute rescue from death – but some kind of spiritual reassessment of moral reconciliation, even with the self, even at death. † In his literary masterpiece, Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad’s theme development is complex but mirrors Fay Weldon’s statement. Dealing with the paradox of whether a human being is capable of both good and evil the moral focus of the novel is the degree of the central characters guilt, his related attempts at self-justification, and in the end, whether or not good works can make up for one bad act. As will be supported in the following paragraphs, Lord Jim is a story of guilt, punishment, obsession to regain lost honor, and moral rescue. Within the opening pages of the novel, Conrad’s central character is presented as less than the romantic hero. Described as being â€Å"an inch, perhaps two, under six feet† (Conrad, p. 9) Jim, the young son of a minister, is drawn to the sea as a youth and has developed a romantic view of himself as one who will meet crisis with calmness and determination. Ultimately, he is not shaken in this belief by his failure to reach the cutter of his training ship. As the plot continues, due to an illness, Jim is left behind in Singapore when his ship returns to England. As a result, he decides to take berth on a local steamer, the Patna, which is involved in an accident. Faced with what he determines to be a hopeless situation, he jumps and deserts his ship when it appears that the Patna is going to sink with all 800 passengers onboard. When it becomes known that the passengers survived, Jim becomes a social outcast. Despite the fact that he was â€Å"one of us† (Conrad, p. 63) his jump â€Å"into a well-into an everlasting deep hole. . . .’ ‘(Conrad, p. 87) associates him with the other officers, known as troublemakers, who have deserted the Patna. His offense is one upon which the Court of Enquiry can have no mercy. Jim however, refuses to accept this association and does his utmost to distinguish himself from them as evidenced by the quote â€Å"They all got out of it in one way or another, but it wouldn’t do for me. † (Conrad, p. 64) He even goes to the extent of attempting to pardon himself as is evidenced when he reports to Marlow, â€Å"There was not the thickness of a sheet of paper between the right and wrong of this affair. † (Conrad, p. 100) Not entirely convincing however, his hope is that he can ultimately rehabilitate himself. As in his first failure in the training ship, he remains certain that he can still be prepared for any emergency and has only been betrayed by circumstances. He finds it impossible to accept his weakness and chooses not to stay in a place where men know his story. Therefore, he is driven farther and farther east in the search of a refuge where he can start over again by establishing himself as a trustworthy man and seeking escape from his feelings of guilt. In what seems to be a distinct second part of the book Lord Jim, Jim is able find relief from his guilt by settling in the remote village of Patusan. Acting as an agent for the trader Stein, it is here that he rises to be â€Å"Lord Jim,† where the â€Å"jump† is never questioned, and the natives become dependent on his strength and character. It finally seems that he has successfully isolated himself from his past, in a place where, â€Å"The stream of civilization, as if divided on a headland a hundred miles north of Patusan, branches east and south-west, leaving its pains and valleys, its old trees and its old mankind, neglected and isolated. † (Conrad, p170) Despite the fact that he has achieved â€Å"the conquest of love, honor, men’s’ confidence,† (Conrad, p. 169) his past comes in search of him. Gentleman Brown and his crew invade the â€Å"wall of forests† (Conrad, p. 307), which keeps Jim in his isolation. Physically, as determined by numbers, the people of Patusan are more that a match for Brown, but mentally Jim is helpless before this man who holds scorn for mankind and who â€Å"would rob a man as if only to demonstrate his poor opinion of the creature†. Conrad, p. 261) Brown opens the wound of Jim’s past when he asks whether he had â€Å"nothing fishy in his life to remember that he was so damnedly hard upon a man trying to get out of a deadly hole by the first means that came to hand-and so on and so on. And there ran through the rough talk a vein of subtle reference to their common blood, an assumption of common experience; a sickening suggestion of common guilt, of secret knowledge that was like a bond of their minds and of their hearts†. (Conrad, p. 86) Everything that Brown says recalls Jim’s past weaknesses and thusly undermines his certainty that he has placed his past cowardice behind him. As a result, Jim finds that his inner peace was just an illusion, that â€Å"his fate, revolted, was forcing his hand† (Conrad, p. 290), and that his ability to act decisively is paralyzed. He allows Brown and his followers to leave the country unharmed if they promise to take no life. They however break the pact by killing the chief’s son, Dain Waris. With solitude shattered, Jim sees the path of destiny before him because he guaranteed the lives of all the people against Brown and his men. He feels that he can only conquer his fatal destiny by suicide, so that â€Å"the dark powers should not rob him twice of his peace†. (Conrad, p. 302) Though given the opportunity, he does not try to escape with Jewel, but allows himself to be killed by Doramin. Upon reflection of the events of Jim’s life Marlow understands, with sad irony, that for Jim the sacrifice might seem ‘an extraordinary success† (Conrad, p. 07) for â€Å"that in the short moment of his last proud and unflinching glance, he had held the face of that opportunity which, like an Eastern bride, had come veiled to his side. † (Conrad, p. 307) Therefore, at last, Jim feels himself become a hero by finally being given the heroic chance he had been waiting for. Twice before (on the decks of the training ship and Patna) he had failed to act heroi cally when given the opportunity to act with honor and courage. At the end of the novel, by offering his own life to Doramin, Jim is able to face and pass the final test with bravery although it costs him his life. Thus, the novel ends on a positive note because Conrad’s central character triumphs when he finally receives moral redemption. It certainly may sound peculiar to say that the death of the hero provides a successful ending to the novel. Usually, such an ending would be considered to be unsuccessful and in fact, to be a tragedy. However, in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim, as the central character, Jim is plagued by guilt over an incident that occurred in his youth. It is this very incident that has dominated his life from the very beginning pages and despite Jim’s â€Å"conviction of innate blamelessness,† (Conrad, p. 4) he was to blame, and the rest of the book is taken up with his attempts to deal with his actions. He, in a sense, becomes obsessed with redemption and each choice he makes is controlled by this need. It is only in the end that he comes to the realization of the significance of his choices and to the fulfillment of his destiny. Cowardice in the fac e of the crucial test was contained in Jim’s destiny and only by realizing that he will never be able to run away from himself could he atone for his offense. In the end, as described by Marlow, Jim â€Å"passes away under a cloud â€Å"(Conrad, p. 307), as he had lived under a cloud. Marlow suggests the irony of his narrative by saying that â€Å"Not in the wildest days of his boyish visions could (Jim) have seen the alluring shape of such an extraordinary success! † (Conrad, p. 307) Thus, it is only through this last and final act that Conrad’s Lord Jim was finally able to reach success by bravely giving up his life for respect, honor, and redemption.