Thursday, February 27, 2020

Patient satisfaction from physicians' communication Essay

Patient satisfaction from physicians' communication - Essay Example To this end they emphasis on the patient care model which places great emphasis on open enquiry, reflective listening and empathy as one of the most effective and important ways of responding to the diverse patient needs. In the HCPC Standards of Proficiency   (2013 p.8) Standard 8, ‘Be able to communicate effectively’, 8.3 states that a   physiotherapist must:   â€Å"Understand how communication skills affect assessment and engagement of service users and how the means of communication   should be modified to address and take account of factors such as age,   capacity, learning ability and physical ability.† As a result, this paper attempts to establish why effective communication between the patient and doctor is crucial by examining different case scenarios and evaluating the role communication plays, not only just in the physiotherapist context, but also in the healthcare system in general. Verbal communication between doctors and their clients is r ecognized as a core part of care and in conventional scenarios it is easy to decode and analyses, and this is because it is discrete in nature and has clear endpoints. However, for doctors to be effective at it, they must have good interpersonal skills such that they can make the patient feel at ease and encourage them to open up with alarming them, sounding rude or stereotypical.  Ã‚   In their discourse, they should ensure they show empathy and attention to the patient’s situation and be capable of managing the patient’s expectations without discouraging them (Larsen and Smith 1981).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Texas Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Texas Government - Essay Example It required clinics that performed abortion to meet surgical standards as those in hospital-style surgical centers and mandated that a doctor have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the facility where he or she performed abortions (National Women Corporate Center). Democrats and abortion rights advocates, in a bid to stop the legislation, said that this law could result to most of the 42 clinics in the state which performed abortions to close as they would incur a lot of expenses in a bid to be licensed as to perform abortion: expensive renovations or relocations to meet equipment and architectural standards (National Women Corporate Center). Given that the legislature was controlled by the Republicans then, passing of the law a simple task as seen on the concept map. By passing the anti-abortion bill, it went against the woman’s fourteenth amendment right to choose to terminate pregnancy before vitality. This was clearly a violation of women’s constitutional right. This law also denied a woman the ability to make an extremely personal medical decision. In addition, mandatory ultrasound laws presented disrespect for women’s decision making abilities and clinical judgment of a doctor. In 2013, Texas passed laws requiring abortion providers to have admission privileges at hospitals. This law clearly gave hospitals more powers than doctors. Passing the laws that many clinics did not meet the stated surgical standards, requiring them to be upgraded to the expected standards, resulted to many clinics being closed. This deprived the women fundamental constitutional rights. In Texas the district court judge blocked this provision from going into effect, this decision was reversed by the appellate court and U.S. Supreme Court did not reinstate the district court’s injunction (Besset, 6). Although the law is in effect, this case is still under