Sunday, December 29, 2019

Is Candy The Loneliest Character Analysis - 703 Words

John Steinbeck was a novelist who created the novella, â€Å"Of Mice and Men.† The novella is set on the ranch during the Great Depression time period. One of the biggest themes in â€Å"Of Mice and Men,† is loneliness. He wrote the book to display the many lonely feelings that multiple people felt during the Great Depression aeon. Although most of the characters in the book are lonely to some degree, it is debated which character is the loneliest. However, I believe that Candy is the loneliest character in the novel. The first reason I consider Candy to be the loneliest character due to the fact he lost his dog. Another reason I reckon that Candy is the loneliest character of the novel by reason of him being disabled. Candy also doesn’t have any†¦show more content†¦The author also implies, â€Å"I ain’t good with on’y one hand. I lost my hand right here on this ranch. That’s why they gave me a job swampin,† (Steinbeck, 59). When Candy broke his hand at the ranch, they gave him the worst job, but they gave him a nice amount of money so he wouldn’t sue. Once they recognize Candy doesn’t have any worth, then they are going to fire him. However, he has anywhere to go. Convincingly, the final reason why I presume Candy to be the most lonesome character because he doesn’t have any family. George and Lennie were planning on moving out the ranch once they built up enough money to pay for it. As they were talking Candy jumped in the conversation and said he has four-hundred dollars to give them for the house. Candy also says, â€Å"I’d make a will an’ leave my share to you guys in case I kick off, cause I ain’t got no relatives nor nothing,† (Steinbeck,59). Candy was willing to give up all the money he had because he did not have a family and wanted to build something with George and Lennie. Inexorably, since Candy doesn’t have any family, then you can say that he is presumably the most abandoned character. Subsequently, having nothing at all including no family and losing the only thing you can look back on as loving(Candy dog) can really make you feel isolated inside. Candy is very unsocial because he doesn’t have anybody there to give him the excitement and joy inside to be happy. He is also an introvert because heShow MoreRelatedDreams in Of Mice and Men1258 Words   |  6 Pageshaving a dream. Lennie and George have a fairly simple dream: to own a small farm, and be their own bosses, which contrasts with the large factory type farm they are on, where men are treated like machines, which are frequently broken (Crooks and Candy), and isolated from each other. George repeats his and Lennie’s dream like a mantra: ‘we got a future’, suggesting that they are different to the others. ‘Future’ here is a metaphor for something bright, and greater than what they have now – like theRead MoreOf Mice and Men Literary Analysis1242 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Of Mice and Men is a novel about two men and their struggle to reach their dreams of owning their own ranch. George Milton and Lennie Small are best friends, who despite of all their extremely difference personalities, but still manage to work together, travel together and get rid of anything that gets in their way. The friendship between George and Lennie is prevalent throughout the book, but it is shown most explicitly in their plan to live on a farm togetherRead MoreOf Mice And Men Rhetorical Analysis1458 Words   |  6 Pages Of Mice and Men Rhetorical Analysis Adrian Blackstone Mrs. Adkins AP Lang Comp 3/5/15 In 1929 the effect of The Great Depression echoed throughout The United States. Forcing many farmers to sell their farms and give up on their pursuit of the widely sought after American Dream. Although in third person Steinbeck centers the novella around the two main characters George, and Lennie. Using strong rhetorical strategies such as diction, imagery, novel structure, and literary devices. SteinbeckRead MoreSummary Of Of Mice And Men 3409 Words   |  14 PagesDepression). 4. Major Characters A. George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He cares and protects Lennie in all situations and ends up responsible for both Lennie’s life and death. 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These acts often come when a character breaks the rules of an oppressive system, which further reinforces Steinbeck’s point that institutions tend to be dehumanizing and morally toxic. After she is extorted at a farm company store, Ma Joad observes that If you re in trouble or hurt or need-go to poor people. They re the only ones that ll help-the only ones. (376) The poorest characters are often the most generous, and the richest theRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagesor Tide or Heinz. However, it will always be an important, measurable brand character istic. Perceived quality will directly influence purchase decisions and brand loyalty, especially when a buyer is not motivated or able to conduct a detailed analysis. It can also support a premium price, which, in turn can create gross margin that can be reinvested in brand equity. Further, perceived quality can be the basis for a brand extension. If a brand is well-regarded in one context, the assumption will

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr - 898 Words

In the book Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Billy Pilgrim is the main character, the protagonist of the novel. The novel is focused on the four sides of Billy. The first being his life as a WWII soldier. The second, his present, which is a very boring life as a husband, father, and optometrist in Ilium, New York. The third is his time travels from past to future, and the fourth is his life as a prisoner on the planet Trafalmadore. In the beginning of the book Billy is an optometry student when he gets drafted to the war. He is sent to fight in Luxembourg against the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge and is quickly captured by a small group of German scouts. Billy is a very weak and pathetic character who manages to get on nearly everybodys bad side. He suffers from constant nightmares, but manages to survive in places where others dont. Billy even manages to make it through one of the worst fire bombings of WWII, the Dresden firebombing. During the year of 1944 is when Bill y believes he became unstuck in time. Being so, this gives an explanation to why Billy is always so nervous and awkward because never knows what point in his life he will travel too. It seems that very unpleasant experiences trigger the time travel. After the war, Billy returns to Ilium, New York, and tries to live a normal life after his experiences in the war. As he studies to become an optometrist he gets engaged to a rather unattractive, fat, and wealthy women, Valencia. Once backShow MoreRelatedSlaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr Essay1391 Words   |  6 PagesSlaughterhouse-Five: Why War Should Never Happen Kurt Vonnegut Jr., a World War II veteran and author of the literary masterpiece Slaughterhouse-Five, was one of the many there to witness the destruction of the city of Dresden located in Germany, and one of the few to survive to tell the gruesome details. Most of his writing was used to encourage those with anti-war mindsets to take a stand, and to inform everyone else of the damage that is done when a nation goes to war. He uses his books to remindRead More Billy Pilgrim as a Christ Figure in Kurt Vonnegut Jr.s Slaughterhouse Five3076 Words   |  13 PagesBilly Pilgrim as a Christ Figure in Kurt Vonnegut Jr.s Slaughterhouse Five After reading the novel, Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., I found my self in a sense of blankness. The question I had to ask myself was, Poo-tee-weet?(Vonnegut p. 215). Yet, the answer to my question, according to Vonnegut was, So it goes(Vonnegut p.214). 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This person will capture everything people want to say, and then word it so well that his or her name becomes legendary. The sixties was an era with many of these people, each with his or her own means of reaching the people. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., armed with a typewriter and a motive, was amongst those that defined theRead MoreKurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five Essay1311 Words   |  6 PagesI. Author- Kurt Vonnegut’s background had an endless influence upon his writing. In his early years, Vonnegut was a private in the 106th infantry division in World War II. He and five scouts were caught behind enemy lines, and then captured. They were held POWs and were beaten on various occasions. In 1945, they witnessed the fire-bombing of Dresden, Germany. Kept during this time in a slaughterhouse, this is part of the inspiration for Slaughterhouse-five. After being released from the SlaughterhouseRead MoreStyle Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut on Slaughterhouse Five1623 Words   |  7 Pagesbrilliant piece of literature. One example, for instance, is Kurt Vonnegut who may have been stimulated by the war, thus writing Slaughterhouse Ââ€" Five. Though one may categorize this piece as science fiction or even auto - biographical, it can also be interpreted as an anti Ââ€" war piece. Because Vonnegut is classified as a post modernist, one can take into account all the details, such as the similarities between the main character and Vonnegut, the Tralfamadorians, and the style and themes of the novelRead MoreWar is Inevitable and Death is Too1111 Words   |  5 PagesKurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five is a satire on the behaviors of man. Often characterized as an anti-war novel, Slaughterhouse-Five tries to show that war and destruction are a part of the human life cycle. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Putting the Service †Profit Chain to Work Free Essays

PUTTING THE SERVICE – PROFIT CHAIN TO WORK Group – 5 Introduction: Factors that drives profitability Investment in people Leadership Vision – Patina of spirituality, importance of mundane Profitability Technology supporting frontline workers Successful service companies: Banc One, Intuit, Southwest Airlines, Service Master, USAA, Taco Bell, and MCI Compensation linked to performance Recruiting and training practices The Service – Profit Chain †¢ Establishes relationships between profitability, customer loyalty, and employee satisfaction, loyalty and productivity †¢ Measure and management techniques Support services and policies Employee loyalty, satisfaction, productivity Value and service Customer satisfaction Customer loyalty Profit and growth The Links in the Service-Profit Chain †¢The service profit chain is also defined by a special leadership †¢Examples: Herbert Kelleher – Southwest (Patina of spirituality), William Pollard – ServiceMaster (Teacher-learner managers, servant’s heart), John McCoy- Banc One (Uncommon Partnership, system of support) Customer Loyalty that drives Profitability and Growth 5% increase in customer loyalty can produce profit increases from 25% to 85% †¢ Quality of market share in terms of customer loyalty as important as quantity of share in the market †¢ Example: Banc One †¢ Measures of Customer retention †¢ No. of services used by each customer – depth of relationship †¢ Level of customer satisfaction †¢ XEROX Customer satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty †¢ Polled 480,000 c ustomers per year †¢ Five point scale – satisfaction(product and service) †¢ Relationships between the scores – actual loyalty differed greatly between 5s and 4s apostles †¢ Terrorists – unhappy customers Value drives Customer Satisfaction †¢ Value – related to the total costs (price and other costs incurred) †¢ Example: †¢ Progressive – insurance company – Quick processing and payment to claims – Little policy holder effort – CAT (catastrophe) team Employee Productivity Drives Value †¢ Southwest Airlines †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 7th largest US domestic carrier 86% of employees unionized (total 14,000) Employees can perform several jobs Schedules, routes and company practices to enable speedy boarding and deplaning (15 min. 40% more pilot (70hr/month) and aircraft utilization Fare charges 60-70% lower Customer perceptions of value are very high without additional facilities 14,000 employees – marketing research unit Employee loyalty drives productivity †¢ Study of automobile dealer’s sales personnel †¢ More employee turn over more loss Employee Satisfaction drives Loya lty †¢ Propriety study of a property and casualty insurance company †¢ Southwest – highest retention (95%) †¢ USAA – Insurance and financial services provider Internal Quality drives Employee Satisfaction †¢ Working environment †¢ USAA – telephone sales and service representatives †¢ Information system †¢ Training †¢ ServiceMaster †¢ Attitudes of people toward one another †¢ Cleaning and maintenance †¢ Importance to mundane Leadership Underlies the Chain’s Success †¢ Corporate culture centered on service †¢ Willingness and ability to listen †¢ Examples Relating Links in the chain for management Action †¢ Few have links in meaningful way †¢ Examples Property and casualty insurance company †¢ MCI †¢ Taco Bell  » Employee participation  » Periodic round table meetings, interviews Service – Profit Chain Audit †¢ PROFIT AND GROWTH †¢ How do we define loyal customers? †¢ Do measurements of customer profitability include profits from referrals? †¢ What proportion of business development expenditures and incentives directed to th e retention of existing customers? †¢ Why do customers defect? Service – Profit Chain Audit †¢ CUSTOMER SATISFACTION †¢ Are customer satisfaction data gathered in an objective, consistent, and periodic fashion? Where are the listening posts for obtaining customer feedback in your organization? †¢ How is information concerning customer satisfaction used to solve customer problems? Service – Profit Chain Audit †¢ EXTERNAL SERVICE VALUE †¢ how do you measure service value? †¢ How is information concerning customers’ perceptions of value shared with those responsible for designing a product or service? †¢ To what extent are measures taken of differences between customers’ perceptions of quality delivered and their expectations before delivery? Do our organization’s efforts to improve external service quality emphasize effective recovery from service errors in addition to providing a service right the first time? Service – Profit Chain Audit †¢ Employee productivity †¢ How do you measure employee productivity? to what extent do measures of productivity identify changes in the quality as well as the quantity of service produced per unit of input? †¢ Employee loyalty †¢ How do you create employee loyalty? †¢ Employee Satisfaction Is employee satisfaction measured in ways that can be linked to similar measures of customer satisfaction with sufficient frequency and consistency to establish trends for management use? †¢ Are employee selection criteria and methods geared to what customers as well as managers believe are important? †¢ To what extent measures of customer satisfaction, loyalty or the quality and quantity of service output used in recognizing and rewarding? Service – Profit Chain Audit †¢ INTERNAL SERVICE QUALITY Do employees know who their customers are? †¢ Employee satisfaction with technological and personal support? †¢ LEADERSHIP – To what extent – – – – – Energetic, creative vs stately, conservative? Participatory, caring vs removed, elistist? Listening, coaching and teaching? Motivating by mission vs motivating by fear? Leading by means personal values vs institutionalized policies? Time spent developing and maintaining culture? †¢ RELATING MEASURES †¢ what are the most important relationships in company’s service profit chain? . We will write a custom essay sample on Putting the Service – Profit Chain to Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now How to cite Putting the Service – Profit Chain to Work, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ergonomics Design of Hand-Held Power Tools free essay sample

This paper discusses the role ergonomics play in the design of hand-held power tools. This paper looks at the different factors that need to be addressed when designing hand-held power tools. The author argues that when ergonomic factors are Incorporated into their design, there are less instances of injury, less sick days, and production is increased as a result. From the paper: A well-designed tool can provide a number of important advantages that can be immediately noticeable. Ergonomically designed hand-tools contribute to the prevention of injuries which will then increase productivity on a continuous basis, improve the quality of the products produced, and reduce the absenteeism in a company for health related causes. Properly controlling the ergonomic factors such as the physical loads a person exerts (through the design of the handle and trigger), vibrations, and noise of the hand tool will decrease the chances of an injury occurring on the job. We will write a custom essay sample on Ergonomics: Design of Hand-Held Power Tools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page